Free forever for individuals

Features and improvements


  • Quick Task Access:
    Now, a single tap on tasks instantly opens the Detail View, while a long press offers a quick “Edit task title” option.

All platforms

  • Redesigned Task Detail View:
    Enjoy a cleaner look and feel with tappable Meta Data Buttons, making task management smoother and more efficient.
  • Speed Boosts Everywhere:
    Experience dramatically faster login times, especially for large accounts, and noticeably quicker text editing in lists with many tasks.

Bug Fixes


  • Better Text Input:
    Tapping empty areas in a list now correctly sets the cursor and opens the keyboard, so you can get straight to typing!
  • Improved Mobile Reliability:
    Our iOS Home Screen widget now works seamlessly offline, and Android users will no longer see crashes when opening lists.

All platforms

  • Additional improvements to synchronisation and stability.

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