Free forever for individuals


  • Sorting in Lists View: Now you can sort your lists alphabetically or by creation date.
  • Print Option for Inbox & Today Views: Easily print your Inbox and Today views, just like all your other lists and tasks by clicking on the 3-dot menu.
  • New Task Option in Tasks View: Quickly add new tasks directly from the Tasks view.
  • Talk Dialog Enhancements: Enjoy a more refined and visually improved Talk dialog.
  • Reliability & Synchronization Fixes: We’ve made additional improvements to enhance app stability and syncing.

With this release, we’re tackling a few minor performance and stability issues across all platforms, making your experience smoother than ever. We’re also doubling down on reliability while gearing up for some exciting new features coming your way!

Features and improvements

  • Easier List Sharing with Your Team: When switching the ownership of a list from Personal to Team, a toggle now appears to automatically share the list with your team for seamless collaboration.
  • Preventing Accidental Content Deletion: A warning dialog will now appear when attempting to delete tasks that contain details or subtasks, helping prevent unintended data loss.
  • Printing Lists: Every list now includes an option to Print, making it easier to share and archive lists. Stay tuned, as this feature will expand to other views in future updates!
  • Quick Access to Web Addresses: Tasks with titles containing a web address now display an icon. Clicking it takes you directly to the corresponding website for faster navigation.

Bug fixes:

  • Mac App Traffic Light Buttons: Fixed an issue where these buttons were unresponsive when the Mac App was in full screen mode.
  • Talk AI Language Menu: The language selection menu now displays languages in the correct order.
  • Tablet Orientation: Resolved several issues related to orientation changes on iPad and Android tablets.
  • File Uploads: Addressed bugs affecting uploads of files larger than 25MB.

Features and improvements

  • Sublists are here: With Sublists you can create lists within lists for better organization. You can move sublists between lists, convert them into top-level lists, and enjoy seamless sharing automatically inherited from parent lists. With breadcrumbs for easy navigation and an updated sidebar design, staying organized has never been easier! Sublists are available for Pro users and Pro teams.
  • Talk AI Improvements: Quickly access Talk input on the Mac App with CMD+T for seamless voice based task creation. You can now also specify the target list directly in Talk via voice to keep everything organized effortlessly.
  • First Day of the Week: Superlist now respects your Region & Language settings to determine the first day of the week in the due date picker.

Features and improvements

  • Distraction-free view
    Resizing the app window now hides the image on the right, then the sidebar, for a clean view of your lists or tasks.
  • Talk AI Beta
    Now available on Mac and Web! Use CMD+K to open voice input and share tasks or thoughts with Superlist hands-free.
  • Text Editing on iOS
    Superlist on iOS now uses the native iOS text editing menu for easier copying, pasting, and deleting text.
  • Sidebar Stability
    Fixed an issue where rearranging entries in the upper part of the sidebar caused them to momentarily disappear.
  • New iOS Lock Screen Widgets
    Add shortcuts for task creation, list creation and voice input to your iOS lock screen

Features and improvements

  • Hide Cover Images on Desktop and Web
    You now have the flexibility to hide cover images across all views, creating a more streamlined and distraction-free experience. Customize your Superlist view just the way you like it!
  • Keyboard Shortcut for Marking Tasks as Complete
    Use CMD + D to instantly mark a task as completed, even when the task detail view is open. Stay efficient and productive with less clicking around.
  • Quick Create Widget for Android and iOS
    Speed up your productivity with the new Quick Create Widget! Instantly create tasks, lists, or even use the Talk AI feature directly from your home screen. This widget is available for both Android and iOS, making task creation faster and easier than ever.

Features and improvements

  • Quick Task Access [Now, a single tap on tasks instantly opens the Detail View, while a long press offers a quick “Edit task title” option.]
All platforms
  • Redesigned Task Detail View [Enjoy a cleaner look and feel with tappable Meta Data Buttons, making task management smoother and more efficient.]
  • Speed Boosts Everywhere [Experience dramatically faster login times, especially for large accounts, and noticeably quicker text editing in lists with many tasks.]

Bug Fixes

  • Better Text Input [Tapping empty areas in a list now correctly sets the cursor and opens the keyboard, so you can get straight to typing!]
  • Improved Mobile Reliability [Our iOS Home Screen widget now works seamlessly offline, and Android users will no longer see crashes when opening lists.]
All platforms
  • Additional improvements to synchronization and stability.

Features and improvements

  • Improved stability and synchronization [We’ve made a lot of improvements to the stability of the app! No matter your device, enjoy better synchronisation with improved connectivity, and a bunch of bug fixes.]
Desktop + Web
  • Auto-refreshes daily on desktop/web [The Today View now refreshes automatically each morning. If you leave the app open overnight, it’ll update itself to kickstart your day!]

Bug fixes

  • Home screen widget for Android 12 [Android 12 users, rejoice! You can now add our home screen widget to create tasks faster and more conveniently.]
  • Correctly aligned input field in landscape [Tablet users will see a correctly aligned messages input field when in landscape mode, making typing out your thoughts a breeze!]

We hope you enjoy these updates as much as we enjoyed building them. Keep the feedback coming, and stay tuned for more enhancements and new features in future updates!

Features and improvements

  • Improved list editing with new bars [Adding text in lists made easier with new bottom bar and new keyboard action bar. [With our new content editing bars on mobile, you can quickly select whether you want to add tasks, headlines, paragraphs, or files to each of your lists or task details. You can also easily drag the content type to the desired position in the list. When the keyboard is expanded, selecting task meta data and text styles has also become simpler.]
  • New task list widget for iPhone/iPad [Our app for iPhone and iPad now features a new home screen widget! You can pin the entire list to your home screen to view your relevant tasks at any time. You can also mark tasks as completed or quickly open the app to create new tasks.]
All platforms
  • The "Lists" entry point has been moved up in the sidebar. [All lists can now be accessed from the upper part of your sidebar, allowing you to see all the lists you have access to, even if you have not pinned them as favorites to your sidebar.]
  • Superlist for Slack is now available in the Slack App directory

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed keyboard issue after Quick Create [After using Quick Create, the keyboard did not always open when selecting a text field. This bug has now been fixed, and the keyboard should open correctly whenever you need it to.]
All platforms
  • Made additional improvements to synchronization, stability, and performance.

Features and improvements

  • Quickly create tasks with widgets for mobile. [Widgets are finally here. You can now create tasks directly from your lock screen using our widget on iOS. Similarly, you can also create tasks from your home screen on a specific list on both Android and iOS.]
  • Drag attachments and other content [Drag attachments and other content into an empty task detail view or list.]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue when dragging items into the top section of the sidebar.
All platforms
  • Task content indicator now also shows when the task only has an attachment.
  • Only the creator of a Team has the rights to delete a team.

Bug fixes and improvements

  • Shared lists do not appear multiple times anymore when first shared.
  • Syncing between devices received further improvements.
  • Deleting a task on a shared list now works as expected.
  • Increased the clickable area for the search input field.
  • Faster loading speed for searches.
Desktop + Web
  • Fixed an issue where CMD+Enter would not open task details when being used in a list.
  • Creating a task via the Quick create has been fixed
  • Reminder times when creating a task are now saved correctly.
  • Action bar is now displayed as intended when selecting a task from search results.
  • Close the quick create dialog by swiping down.
  • Visual improvements to interactions on the sidebar. 👇 [Haptic feedback when tapping on a section or list. Removed the highlight color when a section is expanded. Adjusted the settings icon and made it slightly bigger. Adjusted the search input field placeholder text.]

Features and improvements

  • Discover our new mobile bottom bar. [Discover our new, cleaned up bottom bar. Now you have three options to choose from: home screen, quick create, and the newly released Updates view. Tapping on the home button on the left brings you to the familiar sidebar. Quick create brings a new super-fast way to create tasks and lists. The Updates view is the new go-to-place for all your notifications and replaces the former Messages tab. Additionally, you now have quick access to search and settings directly from the top of the screen.]
  • Quickly create tasks and lists on mobile. [Today, we are releasing our new quick create feature for the mobile app. By tapping the + on the bottom you can now quickly create tasks, add a due date, assignee etc. or do the same for lists. Speed up your workflow and give it a try!]
  • See all your updates and notifications in one view. [Staying on top of everything just got easier. Our new Updates view shows you all of your notifications in one place. No more messaging to check with your team “What’s the status on ___???” – quickly see what's going on and check task status. You can find out more about the Updates view in this article. Please note, that Updates replaces the former Messages tab across all platforms.]
  • Use a Blockquote text type on lists. [Simply type “/” and select Blockquote or use the content type editor to select this option.]
  • Turn off task completion sounds. [Head into settings > features and turn off all sounds.]
  • Delete messages on tasks. [Many of you told us it was suboptimal not being able to delete messages. With today’s release you can simply right click / long press a message to delete it. Let us know how that feels.]
  • Create tasks directly from the Tasks tab on mobile. [To create a task, click on the + on the bottom right. We will soon release this improvement for all other platforms.]
  • Open a parent task or list directly from the task detail view. [Just click on the displayed task or list title to be redirected. Please note that this is only live on desktop and web as of now.]
  • Mark text as strikethrough on desktop. [We have added the option to use CMD+Shift+X or CTRL + Shift + X to mark text as strikethrough for the desktop and web apps.]
  • Use the quick command via shortcut on the web app. [With this release you can also use CMD + K or CTRL + K to quickly create tasks via the web app.]

Features and improvements

  • Improved natural language processing functionalities for an even faster experience. [You can now use triggers such as “Before next week...” or “end of week…” to be more precise about deadlines. Additionally, we have also made it even simpler to add frequent dates, such as today and tomorrow: now all it takes is to write “tod” for today and “tom” for tomorrow. Superlist will do the rest! Last but not least, we have now also enabled NLP in the task details. Happy typing!]
  • Take better notes with additional inline markdown options. [Text can now be styled by using the * and ~ options for italic, bold, and strikethrough respectively.]
  • Split tasks when pressing enter. [This allows you to break up longer task titles into multiple tasks. Especially useful when converting notes into tasks!]

Bug fixes

  • Emojis in Make responses don’t cause sync issues anymore.
  • Typing multiple messages now shows them without delay.
  • Cmd+x works in all text fields now.

Features and improvements

  • Natural language processing is finally here. [Today, we are shipping on of the most anticipated features: natural language processing. Now you can simply type due dates in task titles and it will automatically transform into the desired due date. NLP works across quick command on desktop, task input field in the Inbox and Today tab, and in all other task title fields. You can type words (e.g. today), numerical dates (e.g. 05/06/2024), but also more complex dates, such as “every two weeks on Monday”. Once you have typed the date, a popover will appear with a suggestion. Pressing return will confirm the selection and remove the typed text.]
  • Changes to the due date popover behaviour. [Some of you told us that the due date popover disappears to quickly when selecting a date. For this reason, the popover now only closes immediately when selecting one of the three quick select options Today, Tomorrow or Next week. For all other scenarios, it will remain open.]

Features and improvements

  • Reorder tasks in your inbox. [It is now possible to reorder tasks in your inbox. Simply drag & drop the tasks to your desired position.]
  • Added a monochrome app icon for Android. [This will be used when your device home screen is set to use themed icons.]

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the input field for custom reminder time and repeat option was hidden behind the keyboard.
  • Performance improvements for opening lists on mobile.
  • Smoother performance of lists with a lot of items & tasks.
  • Faster loading time when logging into the app.
  • Improved text editing performance when creating tasks.
  • Removed “dimming” effect when editing text on iOS and Android.

Features and improvements

  • Spot shared lists more easily. 👀 [On your teams page, lists that are shared will now display the icons of your team members next to it. This should help you understand which lists are shared or not more easily.]
  • See who has access to a task in the task details. 👉[Now, there will be an indication who has access to the task that is visible just above the message section in the task details view.]
Desktop + Web
  • Upgrade to Pro directly from your Team page. [Unlock a new level of of PROductivity for your Team and upgrade using the new upgrade button on the top right of your Teams page.]

Bug fixes

  • Offline indicator that would not reconnect has been fixed.
  • Typing Korean or Japanese characters no longer causes the app to crash.

Features and improvements

  • Landscape mode for tablets. 🏞️ [This was one of your most requested features and we are super excited it’s finally here. Tilt your tablet and see what all the fuss is about!]
  • Magic ink for Make. 🖊️ [Make now uses magic ink when generating output. Pretty, right?]
  • More stability improvements. 🤝[The team is hard at work to make Superlist even smoother and more stable. This release includes various improvements for that.]

Features and improvements

  • Search for lists and task titles. 🔎 [Use the newly shipped search button and search for any task or lists in your Superlist account. On desktop, web, and tablet the search button is located at the top of the sidebar. On mobile it can be found in the bottom navigation bar.]
  • Start a Make prompt from the content type selector. 💥 [Now you can also use make directly from the content type selector in addition to the Make button. Make it magic!]
  • Accept Make prompt by hitting Tab. [We have added some pre-generated prompts that you can now accept by simply hitting tab on your keyboard.]

Bug busters

  • More fixes to improve sync between devices.

Features and improvements

  • Discover a faster way to add due dates. 🤝 [You no longer need to click the "Done" button in popovers when setting a due date or reminder; it will be automatically selected upon choosing the date.]
  • Say hello to our new Unsplash integration. 👋 [Lists and Team cover images can now be customized using images directly from Unsplash.]
  • Quickly add a new task to the inbox. [You can now quickly add a task to the inbox by hitting command ⌘ + N on macOS and ctrl + N on the web version.]
  • New shortcuts to navigate the main tabs on the sidebar. [With the latest release, you can use command ⌘ + 1-5 to navigate between the Inbox, Today, Tasks, Messages, and Lists tab. Check out all shortcuts here.]
  • Move a task to another list with a new keyboard shortcut. [Simply hit command ⌘ + shift + M when you are on a task and select the list you would like to move the task to. On the web version this would be control + shift + M.]

Bug busters

  • Creating several tasks on a list will no longer show an error message.
  • Renaming collapsed sections on the sidebar is fixed.
  • Typing the letter "C" on Mac now works as expected.

Features and improvements

  • Moving tasks around just got a whole lot easier. 👏 [Many of you told us how difficult it was to move tasks between lists, specifically on our mobile app… we heard you! With today’s release you can simply long press on the task you’d like to move and select the “Move to list” option. On web and desktop, you’d have to right click on the task.]
  • Markdown for headings has arrived. 😱 [Headings can now also be italic, bold, or strikethrough. Simply select the heading you’d like to adjust and select from the little popover menu.]
  • Toggling off a workspace now shows a small animation. 💨 [Before the lists affected would just be hidden instantly, making it hard to view which ones belong to the workspace. Now there will be a small animation before they get hidden.]

Bug busters

  • Today, Inbox, and Tasks now also load when offline.
  • Fixed an issue where task titles in Inbox were not displaying correctly.
  • Fixed some broken keyboard shortcuts. [For example, CMD+D, CTRL+T now work as expected again.]
  • Fixed an issue where clicking on the content type selector would not react.
  • Fixed an issue with entering Korean characters.
  • Creating tasks on Samsung devices works smoothly now.
  • Ukrainian character ї is now displayed correctly in list titles.

We've got wunderful news: Today, we're releasing Superlist 1.0 – the new home to all your lists. 💥

To-do lists, shopping lists, reading lists, playlists…we all work with lists every day. 

Superlist brings a modern approach to organizing your work, seamlessly blending personal and professional tasks so you can get it all done in one place. It’s integrated with all the tools you already love to use to keep your life in sync. And our powerful AI features make going through your to do’s much faster and easier, giving you the ultimate luxury in today's fast-paced world: More time to focus on what really matters.

Superlist 1.0 is just the beginning. We have plenty of exciting features in the pipeline, but with this release, we’re ready to get new eyes on the product (and of course, to make it possible for all of our old Wunderlist users to take Superlist for a spin!)

With today's release, we are also bringing two very exciting features to Superlist:

  • MAKE it magic! 🪄 [Sometimes the hardest part about getting things done is to get started. Make makes that a lot easier (pun intended). Simply click on the Make button and tell us what list or project you want to get started on. Make will take care of the rest. 💥]
  • Floating sidebar ☁ [You can now easily hide and show the sidebar in our macOS and web app. One step closer to focussing on what really matters! To hide the sidebar click on the Sidebar icon in the top left corner. Moving the cursor towards the left will show the sidebar again. Once the sidebar is hidden, it is now possible to resize the app to only show the list you are currently working on and nothing else. 👀]

P.S. Don't forget to vote for us on Product Hunt!

Features and improvements

  • Work and personal at the flip of a switch. 👀 [With the newly implemented toggle, you can easily show and hide lists from the sidebar. Just flip the switch for the spaces you want (or don't want) to see. Note: the toggle will also affect the visibility of those lists in the All Lists tab.]
  • Discover 13 new list images. 🖼️ [Remember the Berlin TV Tower from Wunderlist? Well, now you can also have that in Superlist. Oh the nostalgia!]
  • Create new lists directly from your team space. 🤝 [Simply head to your team space and click on New list in the top right corner. The lists will be owned by the team, but only visible to others once you invite them.]
  • Move the ownership of lists to a team space. [Now, every list comes with a handy dropdown menu in the share module at the top. It lets you choose the space or team where the list should belong. Keep in mind: lists stay private by default unless you decide to share them with others.]

Bug busters

  • Improved fonts on the web version. [Fonts now appear a tiny bit thicker and closer to our macOS app.]
  • Better offline detection.
  • Fixed some synchronisation issues. [We are still working on the larger bug some of you have reported. Bear with us. ❤️]

Features and improvements

  • Unlock a new level of PROductivity. 💥[Our Pro plans are now available to everyone. Get access to advanced collaboration, all integrations, and much more. Check out all plans here.]
  • Discover all sidebar tabs in one view. 👀[Many of you told us, that the “More” option in the sidebar was a bit confusing. We thought the same. With today’s release, you can see all available tabs at a single glance.]

Bug busters

  • Improved the performance of large lists. [When opening a list with A LOT of tasks in them, it sometimes took waaay too long to load. We fixed this and it should feel much snappier now.]
  • Rescheduling a repeating task now shows you a small confirmation. [Previously there was no indication whether it has been rescheduled or not. Let us know what you think!]
  • Fixed some text selection issues on iOS and Android.

Features and improvements

  • Setting a task to Next week got an upgrade. [Many of you mentioned, that this option should by default set the task due next Monday, instead of 7 days later. We thought the same way and made the change. Let us know if this feels better now!]
  • Sorting by due date orders tasks by due date. [When sorting tasks in the Inbox, Today or Tasks tab by due date, they will now appear in order of the due date instead of creation date.]
  • Entering a URL and hitting return automatically makes it clickable.
  • Japanese character input is now supported! [Thanks to our Japanese users for flagging this. It took us a while, but it should work now. Let us know.]
  • Opening a list from All Lists opens it in the middle pane.

Bug busters

  • Fixed a sync issue in lists. [Using emojis such as 🔴 or 🟡 previously causes sync issues in lists. This should no longer be an issue.]
  • Using CMD+K now works as expected. [Using CMD+K to quickly capture a task from anywhere now keeps Superlist in focus. This means, that you can use CMD+K over and over again without having to re-focus on the app.]
  • Fixed an issue where parts of the app wouldn’t show on smaller screens. [For example, with an iPhone SE the reminder time picker would be cut out. This was adjusted and you now see everything you should see.]
  • The Done button on the Teams page has been fixed.

Features and improvements

Mac + Web
  • Quickly add new tasks in lists. ✚[A lot of you have been telling us how complicated it is to add content and tasks to a list with existing tasks on it. We felt the same way... for this reason, you will now see a small grey line upon hovering over list content, that allows you to quickly add new content. Let us know how that feels!]
  • Content indicator position was adjusted. [After the latest release we received your feedback that the content indicator position felt off to many of you. This version includes a newly positioned indicator, that should feel more natural.]
  • Leave a five star rating. ❤️ [If you are loving Superlist, you can now leave a rating for us in the app store directly from your settings menu. Just click on your profile icon and select the rating option. We appreciate the love!]

Bug busters

  • When sharing a list the content is now displayed correctly. [We fixed the issue, where sharing, un-sharing and then re-sharing a list would causes issues with the list content.]
  • Re-adding team members to a list is fixed. [Previously this may have caused issues with the access levels. It should feel smoother now.]
  • Loading speed improvement for lists with lots of content. [Opening lists with a large amount of completed, uncompleted, or hidden completed tasks is now faster.]
Mac + Web
  • Accessing the dropdown menu when typing the /-command is fixed.
  • Copy and paste on the web app now works.
  • Longer team names are now displayed correctly.

Features and improvements

  • Organize your lists content with our colorful custom dividers. [Since a lot of you asked to be able to make the colorful dividers from our welcome list available to everyone, we couldn’t say no… When you now select the dividers, you will receive one of our doodle styles instead of the plain line. Note: the styles are assigned randomly, so if you don’t like it just start over again. 😇]
  • Single color placeholder avatars for users without a profile picture. [Thanks for letting us know that the multicolor avatars seemed confusing to most of you. For that reason, you will now only see a single color if you don’t have your profile picture set. Let us know if that feels better.]

Bug busters

  • Image uploads are now displayed correctly in your lists.
  • Hitting tab correctly indents a bullet or numbered lists with this version.
  • Fixed an issue, where editing a list would cause a very high CPU usage.
  • Copying content with CTRL + C on Windows now works as expected.
  • Drag & drop on Windows computers with touch screen is fixed.
  • Hitting tab now indents a bullet or numbered lists.
  • Clicking on a notification now opens the task.
  • Changing the content type with “/” has been fixed.
  • Clicking a reminder notification now takes you to the task detail view.

Features and improvements

  • It’s time: invite anyone to Superlist. 📧 [To invite someone to Superlist, click on the settings icon and select Invite friends. Type in the email of the person you’d like to invite and hit send.]
  • Sync your Microsoft To Do content. 👋 [You can now sync all your To Do content to Superlist. Check out more details here.]
  • Sharing a list is now more transparent. 🤝 [When a list is shared, you will now receive a small confirmation notification within the app.]
  • Drag files from your desktop. [You can now attach files or images by dragging & dropping them from your desktop. Smooooth. 🧈]
  • Copy & paste images from web into a list.
  • Mentioning, adding labels and changing content types in lists just got a major upgrade. [When creating a task on a list, you can now use @- to assign a task and #- to add a label. To change the content type you can now also use / + typing the content type, instead of manually having to select from the menu.]
  • Task details are now only a swipe away. 🤌 [Simply swipe from right to left to open the task details.]

Bug busters

  • Bottom sheets are now scrollable.
  • Tapping on a link list now opens it correctly.

Features and improvements

  • Superlist goes web. 👀 [Head over to and enjoy the Superlist web app experience. Let us know what you think!]
  • Teamwork makes the dream work. Invite your team to Superlist. 🤝 [Get a first look at our Teams feature. Create your first team, invite team members and share lists with your entire team at the push of a button. To get started, simply click on the settings icon and select New team.]
  • Discover our re-designed sidebar. 🪄 [With this update, lists no longer have to be part of a section. We have also made changes to how you can browse and create lists and sections.]

Bug busters

  • Deleting a block by pressing backspace now works.
  • Removed the blue divider line upon hovering.
  • Fixed a markdown issue. [Selecting bold/ italic/ strikethrough now works on selected text.]
  • CMD+N no longer shows “task not found” screen.
  • Android: Task titles no longer shake. [This occurred when tasks titles with multiple lines where edited.]

Bug busters

  • Copying the link to a list can now be found under the Share option rather than the three dot menu.
  • Opening a task that contains an audio message no longer causes the app to crash.
  • iOs only: We fixed our meditative task completion sounds. 🫶
  • iOS only: Uploading iCloud files now works when adding attachments.
  • Android only: Signing in via the magic link now works as expected.

Features and improvements

  • Format text blocks using markdown. [Type the markdown at the beginning of a node to create specific formatting e.g. type - for a bullet list. See all shortcuts here.]
  • Automatically summarize the contents of an email into actionable tasks. [AI-generated summaries will appear in the task details. Applies to any tasks generated from an email integration. Access the feature in the Integrations section of Settings.]
  • Navigate the new Tasks tab bar. [Options have been rearranged to put the search button first.]
  • Attached files are now included in tasks created from Gmail. [Any attachments from the email will appear in the task details.]
  • Add shorter URLs as clickable links without using a prefix. [Shorter URLs like without “www.” or “https://” will be recognized and made clickable.]
  • Navigate an improved Lists screen. [The star button is now bigger. List information and list titles are aligned.]
  • Turn automatic task creation in the Linear integration on or off.
  • Download, replace, or delete file attachments and images when using a mobile keyboard. [When you've selected an attachment in a list, your options appear in an action bar above the mobile keyboard.]

Bug fixes

  • Shared lists are now visible and accessible to users who have left and rejoined a list.
  • "Leave a message..." in task details now remains selected so users can type multiple messages without re-selecting the input field.
  • Keyboards now correspond to the user's Light or Dark theme selection for the app.

Features and improvements

  • Create repeating tasks for recurring things you do. [Access repeating tasks from the due date icon. Choose an interval for how often tasks should repeat. When repeating tasks are completed, the task gets reopened with a new due date based on the chosen interval. Task content remains the same.]
  • Create tasks automatically from emails by forwarding to Superlist. [Enable the feature in Integrations. Send an email to from your account’s email address to create the task. It will then appear in your Superlist Inbox with the email’s subject line as the title and body as the task details.]
  • Hide completed tasks from lists to focus on what’s due next. [Enable the setting from the three-dot menu in lists. The setting syncs across all your devices but doesn’t affect other list members.]
  • Outline your task details with new text formatting options. [You can now add H3s, bulleted lists, numbered lists, and divider lines to task details. Access the formatting options by typing “/” or clicking the handle left of the task.]
  • Download, delete, and replace file attachments more easily. [Use long press to access the functions on mobile and right-click to access the functions on desktop.]  
  • Automatically add clickable URLs in task detail paragraphs. [Typing a URL in a paragraph text will now automatically make the URL clickable. You no longer have to add the link manually.]
  • Open task details with a single click. [Directly clicking on the task title still allows you to edit the title’s text.]
  • Delete the last typed word by pressing Option+Backspace.

Bug fixes

  • Typing “-” now creates bulleted lists with correct bullet points.
  • Offline screen now includes a “Retry” button to reconnect to the app. [The offline screen occasionally appears after turning on a device. Full offline support can be expected in future updates of the app.]
  • Assigning an Inbox task to someone now automatically removes that task from your Inbox.
  • Deleting a list you’re currently viewing no longer prompts a “List not found” screen to appear, now redirects you to your Inbox.
  • Blue speech bubble icon that signifies unread comments is now displayed correctly and visible.
  • Selecting the “Blackout” appearance theme in Settings now works.
  • Right-click now allows you to leave a list in Lists.
  • Android-only: Marking a task as done no longer interrupts audio from other apps with a check-off sound.
  • Back button now appears on Lists and Tasks screens to navigate to previous views.

Features and improvements

  • Navigate Tasks using the improved tab bar. [The tab bar in Tasks has improved responsiveness and design to make it easier for you to navigate through your tasks.]
  • Delete unwanted tasks quickly using backspace. [To delete tasks using backspace, open Inbox and place your cursor in the task title. Press backspace once and you’ll see a checkmark. Press backspace again to delete the task.]
  • Access quick command faster using Command + K
  • Add dates and labels from the task details screen. [You can now edit fields like due date, label, and assignee from the header area in the new action bar. You no longer have to tap into the individual sections to edit.]
  • Rename sections in the sidebar.

Bug fixes

  • Newly received lists no longer mistakenly appear as starred by default.
  • Black screen not shown when closing the app using 'X' button while in fullscreen.
  • Filtering Tasks search field by "C" now works.
  • Android-only: Return now creates a new task and no longer creates a line break.
  • Android-only: Back button behavior fixed across different scenarios.
  • Android-only: Drag-and-drop now works for lists.

Features and improvements

  • Discover the improved navigation in All Tasks [All Tasks now has a new navigation bar that lets you jump through tasks assigned to you, assigned to others, upcoming, and all done tasks. The search option allows you to search all open and completed tasks.]
  • Share and edit options for lists are more consistent.
  • Customize lists with the improved emoji picker.
  • Enjoy a simpler sidebar. [With the new All Tasks navigation bar, we have removed the Completed and Sent tasks option from the sidebar.]
  • Create tasks with no assignee via quick command. [New tasks added via quick command will, by default, have no assignee. If you want to assign a task to yourself or someone else, just type @ and enter their name. ]
  • Assign tasks to yourself without automatically adding them to the Inbox. [Self-assigned tasks will no longer automatically be added to your inbox. If you want to move the tasks to your inbox, right click on the task and Add to inbox.]
  • Add, edit, and interact with links faster. [We’ve given the link menu some long-overdue love, making it easier to open existing links and add your own.]
  • Plan your day with the Today view. [The Today view has been added to the mobile navigation bar to make your daily planning easier.]
  • Edit, paste, and open links in text on mobile. [Simply select the text you want to make clickable and tap the little link icon to add the link. Opening a link in the mobile app will always open your default browser on the device.]
  • Complete tasks faster with larger touch targets.

Bug fixes

  • Font sizes in Settings are more consistent.

Features and improvements

  • Enjoy consistency and additional sorting options in All Tasks [We’ve revamped the All Tasks view to make it more consistent with our Inbox and Today views. Now, you can enjoy additional sorting options, easier keyboard navigation, and an altogether nicer look and feel.]
  • Turn subtasks into parent tasks. [Right-click or long-press on a subtask to remove it from its current task and let it stand on its own. Any subtasks-turned-tasks can be found under All Tasks.]
  • Quickly check or uncheck tasks with Command + D. [Now you can select any task and mark it as complete (or incomplete) with Command + D.]
  • Open a task’s detail view with Command + Return.
  • Set your preferred window size and position. [Upon restart, Superlist will go back to its most recent size and position.]
  • Customize lists from your phone. [Tap the three-dot menu at the top of any list to customize it. Add an emoji and pick a cover image (or upload your own).]

Bug fixes

  • Lists and tasks support emoji input. [Prefer to speak the language of ✅, 🏃, and ✏️? Well, don’t let us stop you! Now, when working in Superlist, type Control + Option + Command to search and add emoji.]
  • App shouldn’t get stuck on loading screen after waking your Mac.
  • Login screen is now optimized for smaller devices.
  • iOS-only: Cursor can be repositioned in task details by long-pressing.
  • Android-only: Tasks can be added via plus button after creating a list.

Features and improvements:

  • Mark all tasks in a list as incomplete. [Using Superlist for reusable checklists like grocery lists or onboarding lists? You’re in luck. Now, when you want to reset a list — or even a set of subtasks — click the three-dot menu up top and select Mark all incomplete]
  • Create tasks from Slack with no assignee. [Now, tasks you create from Slack won’t automatically be assigned to you]
  • Click links and access other popovers with ease. [Popover menus, like the block switcher and link menu, are more responsive, ensuring they don’t collide with window borders.]
  • Take an extra beat before dragging a task onto a new list. [When dragging task onto a list in the sidebar, you have two options: Drop the task on the list title to add it to the bottom of the list, or wait until the list opens so you can control the task’s exact placement. We’ve adjusted the hover time for the latter action, because when it comes to productivity, every millisecond matters.]

Bug fixes:

  • Latest changes stay synced across platforms after waking your device.
  • Content loads as soon as you go online or wake your device.
  • Pending status in share menu will stay up to date.
  • App won’t freeze when clicking on sidebar using trackpad or Magic Mouse.
  • Dragging a task onto a list where it already exists won’t trigger sidebar error.
  • Integrations screen automatically refreshes after successful connection.
  • App will sync when reopened or after unlocking your phone. [That means you should no longer see an offline error when your phone is clearly connected.]

Features and improvements:

  • Create tasks from Gmail with two new options. [Choose your perfect Gmail→Superlist workflow. Now, you can create tasks by starring messages, marking them as important, or applying a “Superlist” label.]
  • Drag and drop tasks onto Today in the sidebar to update their due date. [Previously, in order to add tasks to your Today view, you had to update the due date or drag a task, hover over Today, and drop the task onto your list. Now, you can drop the task onto the sidebar and Superlist will take care of the rest. This change only applies to our macOS and iOS apps, but Android users can expect it soon.]
  • Keep your labels list clean with fewer auto-generated labels. [Tasks added from integrations like Gmail and Slack no longer come with auto-generated labels.]
  • Click or tap anywhere in a list to start adding content.
  • Navigate to integrations via the settings menu.
  • (iOS only) Long press on tasks to take additional actions. [Save valuable taps when interacting with tasks. Long press on a task to copy a link, add or remove it from the inbox, delete it, and more.]
  • Add images and file attachments to lists.
  • Customize cover images on the go.

Bug fixes:

  • Tasks won’t break when switching lists. [Occasionally, adding a new task to a fresh list would lead to a “Task not found” error.]
  • Sidebar lists won’t convert to All Tasks view when you lose access.
  • Text can be pasted into task titles. [Now, you can copy text from Superlist or other apps and paste it into a task title.]
  • Formatting is preserved when copying and pasting paragraph text.

Features and improvements:

  • See what’s due today with a dedicated view. [With our new Today view, you can keep track of upcoming and overdue tasks in one place.]
  • View your inbox right from the menu bar. [Click the Superlist icon in your menu bar to open a mini list with your top inbox tasks. You can even drag to detach this list to ensure your inbox always stays in focus.]
  • Tap with confidence thanks to better tap targets and button feedback. [We’ve expanded tap targets throughout the mobile app, so you don’t need to worry about making ultra-precise taps. In addition, we’ve added pressed states and haptic feedback to buttons so that the app feels a little more responsive.]
  • Focus on tasks instead of extra cover images. [We’ve removed cover images from the Inbox, All Tasks, Sent Tasks, and Completed Tasks views. Now, you’ll only see cover images when browsing your lists.]
  • Add multiple rows with an updated Return key. [Now, your onscreen keyboard includes a Return key instead of one extra Done. Beyond eliminating a re-done-dancy, this change clarifies which key allows you to continue editing and which will dismiss the keyboard.]

Bug fixes:

  • Tasks added from Gmail no longer use the sender address as the assignee.
  • Inserting a new task via the blue plus sign won’t lead to two blinking cursors.
  • Sounds won’t interrupt audio playback or play through the wrong speaker.
  • List cover images stay synced with the macOS app.

Features and improvements:

  • Remove pending users after sending a list invitation. [Typos happen to the best of us. If you send an invite to the wrong email address (or if you change your mind), you can remove pending collaborators from the share menu.]
  • Remove tasks from the inbox when you drag them into a list. [Previously, inbox tasks dragged onto a list would remain in the inbox. Want to keep your tasks in both spots? Just right-click a task and select Add to Inbox.]
  • Add subtasks with one less click. [Now — just like with lists — tasks are the default block type in the task details view.]
  • Sort inbox tasks by labels.
  • Double-click tasks to open task details. [Now, double-clicking on a task tile will open its detail view. This works with tasks in your inbox and lists and subtasks in details views. If you want to edit a task, just single-click the task tile, double-click the title text, or double-click an already selected task.]
  • Keep a draft of newly entered inbox tasks. [Previously, if you didn't press Return right after entering an inbox task, you'd lose the draft task. Now, clicking on the New task input field will show your most recent draft, so you can finish editing it before pressing Return.]
  • Learn the quick command shortcut with an updated entry point. [With quick command, you can create Superlist tasks, even when the app is minimized: Just type Shift + Option Space. Now, if you ever forget this shortcut, the updated quick command button will remind you.]
  • See cut, copy, and paste options when selecting text or blocks.
  • Drag and drop content and tasks within a list. (iOS only)
  • Mention collaborators in task messages.
  • Add tasks to lists or detail views with a quick add button.
  • Checkbox sizes are nice and consistent across views.

Bug fixes:

  • Quick command tasks can be created after removing the source.
  • Cut shortcut won't break a task's detail view. [Previously, typing Command + X to cut content from a task title would trigger an error, making the task's detail view inaccessible.]
  • All pop-up menus will close after logging out.
  • Tab bar and sidebar are visible after creating an account.
  • Tab bar and back buttons are visible after tapping on push notification.
  • Quick add button will stay out of view when keyboard is open.
  • Deleting the list you're viewing will redirect you to the sidebar.
  • Metadata shown while creating a new task is now optimized for mobile.

Bug fixes

  • Task input field in inbox stays focused after adding a new task.
  • Task details can be edited after deleting a subtask. [After right-clicking to delete a subtask, Superlist wouldn’t allow additional edits to the task details view. Now, you can delete and edit to your heart’s content.]
  • New error message is shown when signing up with an unapproved email address. [During our beta, each email is individually approved. If you try to sign up with the incorrect email, you’ll see an error message reminding you to check your original invite.]
  • New error message is shown when uploading a file greater than 25 MB.
  • Pressing Return in the invite menu will send an invite to eligible email addresses. [Previously, when sharing a list, pressing Return would enter a line break in the email input field. Now, you can send invites without the extra mouse click.]
  • Improved syncing when Superlist is left open while Mac is asleep. [Sometimes, after a period of inactivity, the app wouldn’t reconnect with the server, meaning changes to tasks and couldn’t wouldn’t sync properly. Now, in this scenario, Superlist should automatically reconnect. If you still run into an issue where changes aren’t synced, please reach out to]

Features and improvements

  • Invite up to five new list collaborators. [Beta testers now have five invites for Superlist, so you can start working on lists with friends or coworkers. All your collaborator needs is a Google Account and a Mac computer.]
  • Give your dock a glow-up. [Next time you open Superlist, our app will glow in your dock while we load your lists and tasks.]

Bug fixes

  • List content won’t temporarily disappear when resizing the app.
  • All Lists view will load lists right away. [In some cases, All Lists wouldn’t load if you'd recently received a list invite.]
  • Mini list in the menu bar no longer has a black border. [We’ve also fixed the border around the quick command menu. Next up, we’ll be refreshing the mini list to match your inbox.]
  • Spacing between text in numbered and bulleted lists has been reduced.
  • Delete key will not accidentally delete task in the line below. [Now, deleting space above a task will move content up one row.]